

英漢字典: go down

1. descend下去Let's go down by the lift. 咱們乘電梯下去吧。

    Go down and see who is at the door,please. 請下去看看誰在門口。

2. lessen;be reduced;undergo a decrease;lose value下降;減少;失去價值

    If the wind goes down,we may be able to sail tomorrow. 如果風變小了,我們明天就可能出海。

    Shares have gone down again by six points. 股票又下跌了6點。

    Prices are going up all the time;it seems they will never go down. 物價總是上漲,看來永遠也不會下跌。

    The pictures have gone down in value considerably. 這些畫的價值降低了許多。

3. sink;set 下沉;落下

    The ship went down like lead. 這只船象鉛似地下沉。

    The sun has gone down. 太陽落山了。

4. be recorded;esp. in writing 記下

    This day will go down in history. 這一天將載入史冊。

    Their heroic exploits will go down in history. 他們的英雄事蹟將會被記入史冊。

    He will go down in history as a national hero. 他將作為一位民族英雄名垂史冊。

5. be received or be received favourably被接受;被贊許

    How did his lecture go down with the students?他的課學生反映如何?

    The play went down very well with the audience. 這出戲很受觀眾的歡迎。

    Your explanation won't go down very well. 你的解釋不能令人滿意。

    Those proposals are not likely to go down with the majority of the members. 那些建議可能不會為大多數成員所接受。

6. become deflated;recede 癟了;消退

    The tyre of my bicycle has gone down. 我的自行車輪胎癟了。

    The swelling has gone down a lot. 腫消了許多。

7. be swallowed 被咽下

    John was delighted that his wife's cooking should go down so well. 約翰很高興,他妻子燒的菜竟是如此地好吃。

    The pill won't go down. 這藥丸吞不下去。

8. fall;collapse 倒下;倒塌

    The wall went down with a crash. 牆呼隆一聲倒塌了。

    He went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他跪下來求饒。

9. be defeated or overthrown 被打倒;被推翻

    They refused to go down before the invaders. 他們不甘為侵略者所征服。

    Rome went down before the barbarian invaders. 羅馬人被野蠻人所征服。

    10. fail in an exam考試不及格

    I am afraid he has gone down again. 我擔心他又不及格了。

11. leave university at the end of a term or finally(大學生)學期末放假或畢業前離校

    The students have all gone down for the summer vacation. 大學生們都離校過暑假去了。

    The undergraduates are due to go down today. 本科生應該是今天離校。

12. fall on a scale度數下降

    On the second day his temperature went down. 第2天他的體溫下降了。

    The pressure has gone down. 血壓下降了。

13. go bankrupt倒閉

    The company went down only a year after it started. 那家公司辦了一年就倒閉了。

14. go as far as;extend in time延續到

    This history book goes down to the French Revolution. 這本歷史書記述到法國革命為止。

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